(战火)重燃flare up
(战俘)面上浮肿,曾被打seen bruised and beated
「幻影二千」战机Mirage 2000-5 fighters
「战斧」巡航导弹Tomahawk cruise missiles
M族导弹M-class missiles
One laser-guided bomb had gone astray.
一零一空降步兵师the 101st Airborne Division
一齐发射的volleys of
人道大灾难a humanitarian catastrophe
be treated humanely
大杀伤力武器weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
已失去方向has lost direction
不再对邻国构成威胁no longer a threat to his neighbours
不参与袭击dissociated itself from the raids
Beijing had made firmly clear its objections to the planned sale of the destroyers.
China has at least 500 missiles based on its eastern coast pointing at Taiwan.
China's leaders backed the positions of France, Germany and Russia in seeking more time for UN weapons inspectors to do their work in Iraq.
China has 496 short-range missiles along its eastern coast pointed directly at Taiwan.
内战civil war/internecine battles
反对在太空部署任何武器objected to any deployment of weapons in space
反弹道导弹条约Anti-Ballistic Missile agreement
引起世界各地不满provoked worldwide disapproval
引起全球反战浪潮sparked anti-war protests around the world
心理战a battle for hearts and minds
日内瓦公约the Geneva convention
Japan has around 500 troops deployed in the southern city of Samawa engaged in humanitarian and reconstruction projects.
日本防卫厅长官野吕田芳Japan's defence chief Hosei Norota
主张以牙还牙invoked the principle of reciprocity
To involve Taiwan in any form of anti-missile defence put in place by a foreign country is unacceptable and could gravely endanger the stability of the region.???
付之一炬put to the torch
He radioed that he was alive.
令(中国)于空战中稍占优势give it the edge in air combat
令对方士气低落/失去战意sap their will to fight
包括超过三百枚对准台湾的导弹involves more than 300 missiles pointed at Taiwan
Nato launched phase two of its air strike campaign against Yugoslavia yesterday.
可用作军事用途could be used in military applications
只受过最基本的作战训练with only minimal combat training
The strait was in a state of "quasi-war"
打长期游击战conduct a long drawn-out guerilla war
未经联合国批准就开战went to war without U.N. approval
未获联合国支持就出兵attack without support from the United Nations
正对准他/瞄准他was leveled at him
用…作掩护taking cover behind……
由特种部队迅速安全救出was whisked to safety by a commando team
示弱a sign of weakness
交换战俘swapped prisoners
交战国/交战份子belligerent/combatant/warring party
全副武装/全副军装in full combat dress
向一架以色列巴士开火opened fire on an Israeli bus
向以色列人发动袭击launching strikes on Israelis
向平民投掷子母弹is dropping cluster bombs on civilian targets
地面部队ground forces
地雷land mines
地对空飞弹surface-to-air missiles
在八十年代服役commissioned in the 1980s
在反恐战中美国最重要的盟友the most important partner America has in the war against extremist terrorism
在太平洋派驻第二艘航空母舰stationing a second aircraft carrier in the Pacific
We will defend ourselves and our friends by force of arms when necessary.
Gunshots were heard yesterday in Banda Aceh.
在战争边缘teeter on the brink of war
如果法国和俄罗斯行使否决权反对战争if the power of veto was used by France or Russia against a resolution for war
守护边境protect the borders
死于日本空袭had died in a Japanese bomb raid
考克斯报告Cox report
自行研制的「经国」号战机domestically developed IDF fighters
You supported the war in Iraq.
低估中国人的能力demeaned the ability of Chinese
完全毁掉乡村obliterating villages
希望到巴格达做人盾hoping to offer themselves as "human shields" in Baghdad
We've entered the test-fire phase.
We cannot remain a passive onlooker to the hysteric moves of the enemies.
We want to be human shields against American bombs.
我们的领土被核武炸成灰烬reduce our territory to ashes with nuclear weapons
I accept full responsibility for that.
把弹药用尽emptying her weapon of ammunition
求生训练survival training
没有征召未满十八岁的士兵inducts no soldiers younger than 18 years old
巡航导弹cruise missiles
巡视空袭地点touring the attack sites
防毒面具gas mask
防卫联系security ties
两伊战争Iran-Iraq war
和台湾结成军事联盟forging military alliances with Taiwan
和平使者peace broker
和某方交战wage war against somebody
和国际社会合作work with the international community
坦克车向阿拉法官邸发炮无数tanks rained shells on his office building
拒绝解除武装refuse to surrender their weapons
抵抗入侵的日本帝国军队resist the invading forces of imperial Japan
武器侦测仪器weapons-detection gadgets
空防系统military's air defence system
空军队a squadron
空袭限期逼近in the countdown to possible air strikes
空袭警报air-raid siren
表明德国不会参与攻伊战事ruled out German participation in an attack on Iraq
长程预报雷达long-range radar system
阿族领袖特哈契Albanian leader Hashim Thaci
Nearby, smoke billowed from a burning village.
非军事区Demilitarized Zone
俄罗斯国防部长谢尔盖耶夫Defence Minister Igor Sergeyev
宣布增加军费百分之十七点六,以加快军备现代化进程announce a 17.6 per cent rise in defence spending to speed up modernisation of the military
很灵巧的战机a highly agile fighter
为中美军机相撞一事报复in retaliation for last month's mid-air collision between a US spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet
为某事揭开序幕lift the curtain on something
为国捐躯sacrificed their lives for the country /gave their lives for their country
科索沃解放军Kosovo Liberation Army
穿著军服/一身戎装wearing military fatigues
穿著迷彩战衣wearing coloured shirts and camouflage pants
突击步枪assault rifle
纪德级驱逐舰Kidd-class destroyers
美军American troops
U.S. Central Command says the soldiers opened fire only after repeated warnings.
美军第三步兵师the US 3rd infantry division/US 3rd Infantry
美国F117A隐形战机US F-117A stealth bomber
美国的走狗/美国的傀儡stooges of the US/American stooge
美国空军特种部队US Air Force commandos
US attacks on Afghanistan must not lead to unnecessary civilian casualties.
美国军人American GIs
Coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine Saddam Hussein's ability to wage war.
The coalition forces also braced for more retaliatory strikes.
避免伤害平民avoid innocent casualties
避过战祸avert a war
隐形战机stealth fighter
断断续续的战争sporadic fighting
转移人们对即将来临的弹劾投票的视线to divert attention from their impending impeachment vote against him over the Monica Lewinsky scandal
严阵以待stands in combat readiness
苏30战机Sukhoi-30 jets
谴责英美对伊拉克动武denounced the US and British attacks on Iraq
台海两岸的军事平衡the military balance in the Taiwan Strait
Taiwan has renewed its request to buy 30 advanced combat helicopters from the United States to boost its defences against the mainland.
正在囤积大规模毁灭性武器was amassing a WMD stockpile
Taipei is considering buying the most advanced French Rafale jets to upgrade its defences amid fears it will lose air superiority to Beijing in another six years.
同意出售强力武器予台湾approved a robust arms package for Taiwan
If the US were to sell advanced weapons to Taiwan such as the Aegis, that could be very detrimental to China-US relations.
没有承诺会再向台湾售卖武器made no clear commitment in approving new arms sales to the island
售卖武器予台湾自卫providing Taiwan arms for self-defence
It was Chen's usual trick to get more support for the huge arms purchase programme.
无意展开军事竞赛had no intention of starting an arms race
The destroyers, priced at US$1 billion each, have a radar and computer array capable of simultaneously tracking more than 100 targets on land, air and sea.
对台售武计划arms-sales plan for Taiwan
维持两岸军事力量平衡help maintain the military balance of power in the Taiwan Strait
暂时停止向台售卖四艘精密的驱逐舰scotched the immediate sale to Taiwan of four sophisticated destroyers
帮助台湾自卫help Taiwan defend itself
扩充军备expanding military build-up
中子弹neutron bomb
互相以核武瞄准对方aim their nuclear weapons at each other
北韩的核武挑衅North Korean nuclear belligerence
North Korea indeed possesses nuclear weapons.
北韩核武计划North Korea's nuclear weapons programme
正准备地下核试in the process of preparing for underground nuclear tests
全面禁止核试条约Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
没有核武的国家nations without nuclear weapons
防止核武扩散curtail the spread of nukes/halt the spread of nuclear weapons
放射性物质radioactive material
放弃所有核武abandon all nuclear weapons
放弃所有核武和核子计划abandoning all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programmes